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This is a long one people, I have so many more photos I can’t even for the love of life put them all in here. I had always wanted to go to Canada and visit Vancouver. We are lucky to be on Home Exchange and to swap homes for holidays so we only pay for the flights and food out there, we were so happy when this lovely couple wanted to swap with us they live on Vancouver Island so not quite Vancouver itself but absolutely stunning and I do not regret it one bit. We flew via WestJet which was fab except the lack of entertainment on the flight which we knew but wish they would think of that when you have a 9h flight with a toddler haha Liam did really good considering we had another flight after London Vancouver to do Vancouver Victoria.

We made it and with the jet lag we were all tired but so happy to be on this beautiful island and peaceful place we called home for three weeks. We explored the island a lot and discovered so many beautiful places, the town of Victoria is just amazing lots of shops and restaurants everything you wish for and just so cute and typical. We also explored so many lakes around although not he easiest with a buggy and a tiny human so we didn’t do much of hiking but it was beautiful anyways. My favourite trip was to Tofino, the end end end of the island where you meet the Pacific Ocean …

A breath of fresh air, barely any internet and lots of breathtaking views, one of my favourite place on earth for sure. We also went to Qualicum Beach where Chesapeak shores is filmed if anyone follows this show it’s on Netflix. Everyone was so welcoming and helpful and this place is pure heaven on earth.

For sure planning another trip soon.


Love you BC