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Malvern Spa




We arrived at the Malvern Spa mid afternoon right for our treatments, I had a prenatal full body massage so for 1h I was pampered from head to toe, nails to scalp and let me tell you it felt amazing. Lewis had a ‘combo’ treatment which is half a back and shoulder massage half a facial (I think he liked it hahah just kidding he did of course but it’s a lot harder for men to relax at a spa for some reason) We women do this better ….

We then went straight into the pool area … heaven on earth, not only the indoor pool was tropical and wonderful but the outdoor area was simply perfection, the water was hot enough to be able to stay outside for a little while. The fresh air kept me alive (you know the prego feeling of being clostro 24/7 for no reason)

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We were treated to dinner that night and we had a delicious (melted) camembert for starter (cheeky us) and then I had a stunning fish (prego has to avoid meat sadly) with rice balls and Lewis had scallops yummy god I miss food hahaha

The waiter was Sicilian and knew the good Italian wines and as my husband spent a year in Sicily and was so glad he could enjoy a lovely white wine.

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Honestly this was one of the best weekend we have had a very long time, we love to treat ourselves every now and then to a lovely hotel stay, spa or just to discover a new area of the country or abroad of course. With the move and the pregnancy etc we have been incredibly busy (I think grey hair will soon appear haha) it was just the perfect time, a week after moving to enjoy some time off.

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The next day we enjoyed a morning swim and chill with a lovely breakfast, croissant with Nutella for the Frenchie and a hot chocolate and a good scrambled eggs and smocked salmon for the Brit πŸ˜‰

We then went on and explored the area, we were stunningly surprised by the beauty of the Malvern Hills, the colours and the vast hills and green trees. We had the perfect weekend and can’t wait to go back and explore some more!

PS: A little tip if you are there with friends or partners enjoy a glass of bubbly in the outdoor pool (honestly best thing ever) or a cranberry juice for the pregnant ones.

We want to say a big thank you to the Malvern Spa for having us that weekend, between a good night sleep with a comfy mattress, stunning marble like bathroom, the spa and the food we were treated like king and queen.